About.com Members Christmas Lists

Join the Fun!
The Lists Start Here

Christmas candles and lights

These pages are for About.com Scrapbook Forum members only!  This is where you can post your Christmas List so everyone knows what they can get you for this special holiday!

Want to join the fun? 
Simply fill out the Christmas List Form.  You will recieve an email when your list is posted to the web site.
Now with the rules of the game:
  • If you are on the Flaker's List, your wish WILL NOT be posted.
  • Just because your wish is posted doesn't mean that your wish will be granted
  • Your Christmas list does NOT have to be posted inorder to gift some one off their list
  • Please vary the money amount of your items, use higher and lower cost items.
  • If you're going to gift someone something from their list, PLEASE email Merr so it can be crossed off their list so we won't have duplicate items.

Christmas ornaments

Not an About.com Scrapbook Forum Member?

You're invited to join us at about.com in the scrapbooking forum!  We'd love to talk with you about scrapbooking or anything else under the sun!